Family Beach Pageant part one - 2.12 GB

Family Beach Pageant part one - is a unique contest that celebrates the beauty of young girls who embrace naturism and promotes body positivity and acceptance. It is a platform for young girls to showcase their talents and abilities without any prejudice or discrimination based on their bodies' shape or size. While it may not be for everyone, it is an important step in promoting a more accepting and inclusive society.
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Family Beach Pageant part Two - 2.06 GB

Family Beach Pageant part Two - 2.06 GB
The contest has received some criticism from those who do not support naturism or believe that it is inappropriate for young girls to participate in such contests. However, the organizers of the pageant defend the contest, stating that it is a celebration of naturism and body positivity and is not meant to be sexual or inappropriate in any way.
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Jr. Teen Beauty Pageant - 800 MB

Jr. Teen Beauty Pageant - 800 MB.
The pageant judges the contestants on various criteria, including their confidence, poise, and personality. The contestants are also judged on their physical appearance, but not on their bodies' shape or size. The pageant aims to promote body positivity and acceptance, encouraging young girls to love and embrace their bodies, no matter their shape or size.
2 205 Full news
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